Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Let Phil Cook!

Phil’s new hash-house/gin joint, Terrapin Crossroads, looks pretty swanky. I understand that they’re going for a more upscale vibe, but I think there are a few marketing possibilities that have been overlooked:

Eat your Phil!

Phil ‘er up!

Phil my mouth with goodness!

This week’s exotic meat dish: Box of Reindeer!

Our food won’t give you Lesh-maniasis!

Lesh is more, due to rising food prices!

Phil-ling the long afternoons between tours!

Our kitchen is not Phil-thy!

No, sir: Mr. Daley no longer dines here, sir. No, sir: we serve no liver whatsoever at Terrapin Crossroads. It sets Sir off. He kind of Hulks out. Except, you know: it’s Phil, so when he gets like that, we call him the Phulk–oh, totes behind his back, we just text, he doesn’t understand–and he rampages through the place demanding people show him their organ donor cards and then he strips to the waist and challenges men and women to fight and somebody always take him up on it and then it gets sexual and–why am I telling you all this? No reservations!

Y’see this is the kind of thing that I write and then I wait and NO ONE from the Grateful Dead calls me and says that I should be in the family and put on salary with a car. I know back in the day, everyone had BMWs, but I know times are rough, so an Audi would be perfectly fine as long as it’s got leather seats and you pay for my gas.


  1. Corey Clayton

    no leather/dead animals..go vegan!

  2. Steve Hurlburt

    There are some Phil/GD-isms on the TC menu: the appetizer section is called “Tastebud”; the pizzas, “The Wheel”; and the entrees, “The Main Eleven.” Cheers!

    • notesfromthewayside

      Have you been to TC to eat/see a show? I’d love to feature a first-hand review, because otherwise, I’ll just have to make one up and no one wants that. My made-up restaurant reviews always end in Cease & Desist orders.

      • Steve Hurlburt

        Yes. Saw the P&F reunion shows with Jimmy and Warren. Hit me off-list and we can talk:

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