Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Not As Black And White As They Used To Be

“White jeans?”

“They’re in now. Very stylish. You should see how the light plays off my potato salad.”

“White jeans, man?”

“You look better with a beard.”

“Your bangs are crooked.”

“Shut up.”

“You shut up.”

“Don’t talk to me that way. You’re not in the Core Four.”

“On a technicality, man. I’m as core as they come.”

“Not legally 40 years in the future.”

“You got me there. Are they Jordache?”

“Shut up.”


  1. Steve B

    I was a young teenager in the Bay Area then, and I remember the Jefferson Airplane doing AM radio ads for white Levi’s (I swear; google it). Maybe the Airplane had some spare promo product they shared with Mickey.

    • Thoughts On The Dead

      Holy shit.

      • Tor Haxson

        If you had a time travel device, you could go back and redo this post..

        Jerry does look like he is mad at Mickey for stealing stuff from his friends (at the time) in the Airplane.

  2. 21st Century Dead

    Can we talk about how Jerry is clearing reaching for his cell phone in 1973?

    • dontkmow

      No cell reach…I think they told Jerry to cover the nub.

  3. SpamJam

    Hang on, wasn’t Mickey not in the band at this point?

  4. Clucker

    There’s something very familiar about Mickey’s look . . .

    (So, I looked for pics of Freddie in all white, with than haircut. I learned two things- Freddie did not start wearing the all white get-up until he had the shorter, slicked back hair; and Freddie did not like sleeves. Detested them, in fact. May have had an allergy to them).

  5. Mean, Green, Devil Eating Machine

    That photo was used on the poster for the November 28, 1973 concert with Ned Lagin and Phil Lesh. The quad mix sounded great!

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