Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Sitting And Staring Outside The Hotel Window

“Don’t do laser eyes, Weir.”

“Love laser eyes, Jer. No one else is doing it.”

“I don’t care.”

“None of the Stones. That Mick Jagger fellow pouts. That’s, uh, the opposite of laser eyes, facially speaking.”

“You look nuts, man.”

“I look focused and energetic.”

“You know: like a laser.”

“This is the worst trip to a balcony since Juliet, man.”


What exactly is going on with Garcia’s nub-grip on his cigarette? How does that work? Did he use his index and ring fingers like plucky tweezers, or is the butt jammed in the web between stumpy and ring? I’m so confused.


  1. Native Elf

    Yes. Pretty much the way he held his pick, too.

    • Cube

      Exactly what I was gonna say! More to the point he could palm the pick in a way that players with actual fingers cannot.

      Also, hard to believe he died young, right?

  2. saladman8283

    I want to say this was at the Warwick Hotel in NYC, c.1976.

  3. Mean, Green, Devil Eating Machine

    Note Weir’s death grip of the railing. That’s why his eyes as they are.

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