Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

The True Core Four


Summer’s here,
and the time is right,
for Bobby’s tan capris.

Show’s going on in Queens. Listen here, or watch here, or look at Ned Lagin naked some more. It’s a free country.


  1. JES

    Why is it so very, very, very pleasing to see Donna onstage again all these years on?

    I think it may be because it allows people my age to doff our metaphorical caps in public and theoretically apologize for the hypothetical not-so-nice things we might have said about her and Keith in the ’70s?

    Maybe? We get older and gentler and kinder, and in her case, we get to act like proper decent people while she’s still alive, so that feels good, even if she doesn’t know it?

    That picture makes me beam, for whatever reason. Even having Young John in the middle of it is smile-inducing at this point. My sister saw them in Charlotte recently, just as she had seen them with Jerry once upon a time, and her comparisons between the two shows were not in the least bit disparaging of the tall man with the watches . . .

  2. Corry342

    I saw Donna with Phil And Friends at Warfield in 99, with Trey and Paige, and felt just st the same.. Notwithstanding I always liked her

  3. Tor Haxson

    5,994 listeners on that stream.

    • Tor Haxson


  4. Tor Haxson

    John Mayer is going further and further into scat singing during “He’s Gone”

    Terrifying. Plus if Donna is there…

    I am scared.. very scared.. help me.

  5. hcd

    8,658 listeners by Days Between. Yup, her being there brings a big, big smile to my face and I think Johnny Boy is doing just fine.

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