Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Soup Has Turned On Me

foot burn.jpg

“What’d I do, man?”

Not you. The tasty liquid meal.

“Oh, right. That stuff, man. Never get near it, man.”


“Doesn’t know what it is, man. Food or beverage? Make up your mind, man.”

That makes both perfect sense and no sense whatsoever.

“I’m Soup, man.”


  1. 21st Century Dead

    Looks flesh-eating to me, better have that sucker removed.

  2. cuznt

    I’ll see your flesh wound and raise you #fuckingmeow

  3. cuznt

    dumb thing did not post the 1st time

  4. Spencer


  5. SmokingLeather


  6. Toomanyroads

    I’ll see your foot and raise you a finger tip

  7. Dead_drift

    Maybe sick to gazpacho for a while?

  8. Tor Haxson

    Your Mom wants to know if you met any nice lady doctors at the ER.

  9. maggie

    What am I looking at. What is this. Why God. I hate feet so much. I didn’t know it was possible for FEET to look Jewish, but by god, TotD, YOU’VE DONE IT AGAIN. AND CLIP YOUR TOENAILS!

    I’m sorry I’m just really really not a fan of feet

    • Spencer

      Here you go Maggs.

      • swaggie maggie

        I’m never going online ever again

  10. mrcompletely

    ay caramba

    • mrcompletely

      most annoying comment image auto-crop to date

      • swaggie maggie

        Speaking of feet, which I HATE except if they’re mine because I actually have really nice feet, what color should I paint my toenails this month

        • Tor Haxson

          Quiz for the comment section..

          The following quote comes from which of the following people.

          “Speaking of feet, which I HATE except if they’re mine because I actually have really nice feet”

          A: Donald Trump
          B: Donald Trump as spoken by ToTD
          C: Someone else
          D: Everyone else
          E: Nobody Else

      • Tor Haxson

        The only solution at this point to this to precrop.

  11. Tor Haxson

    I comment too much, I know, can’t help it. I look at the recent comments list and all I see is me, still can’t stop, sorry.

    Did someone say Jewish foot?

    • swaggie maggie

      Damn, some people have really ugly feet. I have some fantastic feet and I’m proud of them. Fuck the fakes #

  12. Luther Von Baconson

    there’s a jewish beagle in your crescent moon wound. get some mercurochrome on that it.

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