Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Tag: batman (Page 1 of 3)

A Partial Transcript Of The New Batman Trailer

FADE IN: But NOT TOO MUCH because it’s Gotham City and so everything’s gotta be dark. The characters, the themes, and the cinematography. Maybe there’s some TORTURE happening? This seems like one of those movies where TORTURE plays a cheerful role. Let’s say there’s TORTURE.

I’m gonna shove your eardrums up
your butt.

Must you?




COPS do cop stuff. COMMISSIONER GORDON (played by THE GHOST OF PAUL SEYMOUR HOFFMAN) wears a trenchcoat with a sense of purpose. A YOUNG COP walks up to GORDON.

Maybe we can handle this one
ourselves, Commissioner.


Our detectives are top-notch, Commish.
And this is not a Batman-level crime. It’s a guy
with a knife sticking out of his face.

Thanks for reminding me. Don’t let anyone
touch that knife ’til Batman gets here. I like to let
him fondle all the evidence before a legal chain
of command is established.

Sir, the perpetrator left his wallet. We have his
driver’s license. We could just–

BATMAN (played by ANSEL ELGORT) just kinda moseys up.

Knife in the face, huh?

You just walk into rooms full of people now?
What happened to clandestine meetings on

Rooftops? ROOFTOPS?


Aw, y’shouldn’t have said “rooftops.”

What the FUCK?


He’s been through some rooftop-related
trauma. You can’t blame the boy. Come here,
buddy. It’s okay.

Commissioner Gordon and Batman HUG THERAPEUTICALLY.

He said “rooftops.”

He didn’t mean it.

Sorry about the cop.

Oh, don’t worry about him. It’s
Gotham. Cops die here a lot.

I cannot believe this is okay.

I wanna go punch a clown.

What a good idea! You go punch a clown.
But, hey! Not just any clown! Remember
what happened last time?

I ruined that child’s birthday.

Honest mistake. But let’s avoid making
it again going forward.

Are you my dad?

No, I’m not.

Batman PUNCHES A HOLE IN THE DRYWALL and stomps off.

Where would we be without him?

Better off. We’d be better off. The man’s
presence makes all situations worse.

He’s gonna go punch a clown to teach the
city a lesson.

That’s it. I’m transferring to Metropolis.


The STREETS OF GOTHAM which, despite a new director being in charge, still look EXACTLY LIKE THE STREETS OF CHICAGO. Batman is DRIVING his ROCKET-POWERED TANK-CAR up on the SIDEWALKS and THROUGH THE HOMES OF INNOCENTS.


Another LOCATION BATHED IN PITCH DARKNESS. We can maybe if we squint make out a BAD GUY (played by BEN MENDELSOHN).

You’ll never defeat my overly-elaborate, mostly-
symbolic schemes, Batman.

Give me a clue.

What now?

A clue. It’s only fair.

Fair? I don’t play fair. I’m a super-villain.


Absolutely not!

Li’l hint. C’mon. Li’l hint.

You’re a terrible detective.

Tell ya what: I’ll try to guess your plan,
and you tell me if I’m hot or cold.

I’m leaving.



Seems about time for a CAR CHASE, I suppose. Maybe some HELICOPTER STUFF.


A BUNCH OF CLOWNS for some reason.


Wait. Are you guys birthday clowns or
murder clowns?


Oh, good.



CATWOMAN (played by ZAZIE BEATZ’ AFRO) is maybe robbing an ART MUSEUM, but it’s tough to tell because everything’s so fucking dark.

Stop doing crime so we can date.

No, I like crime better than you.


What does that even mean?

I personify the spirit–

I mean, you sound like a goofy goofball
when you say shit like that. That’s why Poison Ivy
ghosted you.

–of veng…I GHOSTED HER.

Not what I heard.

It was a mutual ghosting!


Please stop that.

If I reveal my secret identity to you, will
you touch it?


Touch it. I’m rich.

Get away from me, Bruce.


Oh, everyone knows. Who else could you be?

FADE OUT: Or maybe the screen just remains dark.


Real-Time Thoughts On Joker, Even Though I Had No Shmedibles Whatsoever And A Person Shouldn’t Have To Do Such Things

  • I already hate this.
  • Fuck you, Stephen Haydn.
  • I know that’s not his name; I did that shit deliberately.
  • Not linking to your books or anything, you cockknocker.
  • Cocks are not for knocking.
  • They are for loving manipulation, or jamming into gooey places, or showing to waitresses.
  • Don’t knock the cock.
  • Knock.
  • The cock.
  • Don’t knock the cock.
  • Remember that song?

  • That shit was my jam.
  • Stefan Humperdink probably wrote a negative review of it.
  • Probably dashed that shit off in ten minutes just so he could get back to knocking cocks.
  • Fucking Joker, man.
  • I did not see this movie on purpose.
  • Lot of movies I miss accidentally, or will eventually see.
  • Haven’t seen Parasite yet, but it wasn’t a decision.
  • I’ve just been busy with the Under Siege flicksand rewatching the entire Coen Brothers’ oeuvre.
  • “Oeuvre” is a word I do not know how to spell OR pronounce.
  • I think it’s “oooooooooooov” and then a phlegmy sound.
  • French is far phlegmier than it’s given credit for.
  • Are you gonna write about the movie at all?
  • Jesus, that’s the title card?

  • I wanna die.
  • Can I take Joker with me?
  • Like a murder-suicide?
  • Y’know how “black don’t crack?”
  • Joaquin Phoenix is the opposite of a black guy.
  • You can watch the fucker age in front of your eyes.
  • And I don’t wanna keep typing “Joaquin.”
  • I’m gonna call him “Leaf.”
  • His momma named him Leaf, I’m gonna call him Leaf.
  • Oh, look: a crazy-person notebook.
  • Some poor production assistant had to do all that scribbling for five seconds of screen time.
  • Y’know what: Defund Hollywood.
  • And now he’s staring out a bus window.
  • How meaningful.
  • Life is passing him by.
  • And he’s poor.
  • Christ, I don’t care about the Joker’s backstory.
  • He shouldn’t even have one.
  • He just shows up every couple years, kills a neighborhood or two, Batman punches him, and it’s back to Arkham Asylum.
  • Which might be a concept.
  • Arkham Asylum surely can’t be a building, because you can keep people in buildings.
  • Deadbolt on the door, maybe an armed guard or two: easy-peasy.
  • Blah blah blah King of Comedy blah blah blah Scorsese.
  • Holy fuck, who allowed Robert De Niro to tell jokes?
  • He cannot.
  • Robert De Niro mumbles, grimaces, and he used to pretend-beat guys pretty good.
  • But he didn’t do light comedy.
  • Harrison Ford, Tom Cruise, Bobby D: not naturally hilarious.
  • A director can wring a laugh or two from them via a well-timed reaction shot, but these are not “joke” guys.
  • Joker works as a clown or something, and holds up a sign advertising something, and he got beat up or something, and Christ I don’t care.
  • Y’know what I wanna know about the Joker?
  • “Some men just wanna watch the world burn.”
  • Walk away!
  • It’s finished!
  • It turns out that there actually is no good explanation as to why a man dresses up like Bozo and stabs people.
  • And don’t gimme any of that “The whole movie takes place in his mind” shit, either.
  • The movie’s taking place on my teevee.
  • Hey, Zazie Beatz!
  • I love you and your hair.
  • Now the Joker is washing his mother.
  • This is America,
  • A billion fucking dollars.
  • Feeble-minded saps and macho steakheads paid a billion fucking dollars to watch Stabby the Clown wash his aged mom.
  • Get those pits, Stabby, and the bajayjay.

  • Shveetheart!
  • Look at my schveetheart, so handsome and strong!
  • That’s the very funny Gary Gulman, who is a personal friend of mine.
  • Love the Gul!
  • Best part of the flick so far.
  • Leaf has lost his job as a clown simply for bringing a gun to a children’s hospital.
  • That doesn’t seem actionable.
  • Some childhood cancers, as you know, can be shot to death.
  • Flow, my tears.
  • The stockbrokers are now harassing the clearly mentally-ill stranger on the train.
  • It’s subtle.
  • He gonna shoot ’em.
  • I’ve seen movies before; I know how they work.
  • He shot ’em.
  • Told ya.
  • Are we meant to sympathize with Leaf?
  • The money dudes were assaulting him.
  • And, you know, were stockbrokers.
  • I’m a “Fire At Will” motherfucker when it comes to stockbrokers.
  • Remember, remember the 16th of September.
  • But Leaf shot one of those douchebags in the back.
  • Which is just not cricket.
  • Eh, call it even.
  • The guy playing Thomas Wayne is not Alec Baldwin, but could be.
  • Like, if you only glanced at the screen.
  • Non-white people absolutely could not tell this guy from Alec Baldwin.
  • They’re doing a “rich-against-poor” thing now, I guess.
  • Funding has been cut for Leaf’s social worker.
  • Man, Todd Phillips is really sticking it to the Reagan Administration.
  • (So many of our problems stem from that confused asshole and his warmonger Christ-fucking buddies. They slashed every budget but the miltary’s, closed the asylums, shuttered the public hospitals, and sold off the airwaves. Reagan’s in hell, and so is Nancy. She cannot get this month’s Vogue magazine.)
  • I think Todd’s bitten off more than he can chew, though.
  • Firstly, because his name is “Todd.”
  • “Todd” has never made anything better.
  • You warn your female friends about “Todd.”
  • “Tad” is even worse.
  • I’ll straight-up slap a “Tad” on sight.
  • “You’re probably antifa, and I would love to call down the thunder. The thunder, Jewboy!”
  • Who the fuck is that?

  • “It’s me, Tom Cotton. I’m a Senator, and I want to feel your brains squish underneath my bare feet.”
  • Jesus.
  • “That’s my thing. It gets my juices simmering.”
  • Go away.
  • Ignoring you.
  • Hey, it’s Kid Bruce Wayne.
  • Who is not Batman.
  • And is, therefore, not punching anyone so hard their chest caves in.
  • Which is what I want to see in a comic-book movie.
  • Here is the secret about comic books: They are for children and morons.
  • Without exception.
  • Fuck off with your Maus and your Allan Moore.
  • Comic books are men in red and blue underwear punching men in purple and yellow underwear.
  • Sometimes, freeze rays come into play.
  • It should be noted that I am a child and a moron, and have rewatched the entire MCU over the past few weeks to assuage my anxious terror.
  • I like the part when the guy beats up the other guy.
  • These are simple morality tales for youngsters.
  • Bad person threatens order, so handsome person deploys super-violence.
  • For his efforts, the handsome man receives heterosexual love.
  • Ohhhhhh.
  • Thomas Wayne calls the citizens of Gotham “clowns.”
  • I get it.
  • Fucking DEEP, man.
  • Layers upon layers.
  • Good, a riot.
  • That’s what I wanna watch right now.
  • Stavros Helicopter, I will fuck you for this.
  • I’ll fuck you in a way that you’ve never been fucked before.
  • I’ll fuck you in a way that you’ll want to be fucked forevermore.

  • No one ever sang as sweet as the Girl Groups.
  • And it’s under three minutes long.
  • Whereas Joker is 2 hours and 10 minutes.
  • Three minutes is better.
  • How long would you rather take a shit for: three minutes, or two hour?
  • I rest my case.
  • Ooh, look how crazy Leaf is.
  • He is retreating into the fridge, Punky Brewster-style.
  • Society has let him down!
  • Everyone is so mean to him!
  • And I could not care less.
  • Fewer?
  • Whichever is right.
  • When does Paste-Pot Pete get his own movie?
  • This is Paste-Pot Pete:

  • He had a gun that shot glue, and this enabled him–somehow–to take on the Fantastic Four on several occasions.
  • Remember: comic books are for children and morons.
  • We could really dig into PPP’s psychology, man.
  • What makes Pete tick?
  • Maaaaaaaaaan.
  • Jake Gyllenhall will star, and he will gain 400 pounds for the role and then drop dead of a heart attack on the first day of shooting; for his sacrifice, he will be nominated for every award in Hollywood, but not win any because he didn’t campaign hard enough.
  • Holy shit, he’s already breaking out of Arkham!
  • He’s not even technically the Joker yet, and the motherfucker just yeeted himself out of the booby hatch.
  • Joker’s adopted?
  • What?
  • And was molested as a kid?
  • Fuck grim.
  • Fuck gritty.
  • Not Gritty.
  • Gritty is the hero of the working-class, and an agent of chaos, and will one day bear me many terrifying children who will not survive the Carbonite freezing process.
  • I’m talking about “grim and gritty.”
  • This started in the 1990’s, when every comic book writer decided at the same time, “What if the heroes were miserable pudknockers who hated themselves and the villains were mere psychopaths and everyone was sad?”
  • “What would it be like if superheroes existed in the real world?”
  • “Maaaaaaaaaaan?”
  • And all of these stories were awful, because “superheroes in real life” is an inherently dumb idea.
  • People with the power of gods wouldn’t use that power to punch bank robbers.
  • And people who like to dress up as clowns and murder entire neighborhoods aren’t really good at making plans.
  • They get caught quick.
  • Joker would most likely be shot during his first caper.
  • After all, the Gotham PD couldn’t tell he was white under the makeup.
  • Better safe than sorry!
  • Hey, Justin Theroux is in this.
  • That guy’s too handsome.
  • Good stock, though.
  • Literary stock.
  • Shouldn’t get to be that handsome when you’re descended from writers.
  • How many shots of Leaf dancing in his underwear does this movie contain?
  • I have lost count, but I will tell you that the number is too high.
  • Not a lot of potato salad, either.
  • I would’ve fluffed myself up before the director called “Action.”
  • Maybe that’s why I wasn’t in Inherent Vice.
  • I never took the craft seriously.
  • Not like Leaf.
  • Look at this bullshit:

  • You are not permitted to assume that posture unless you are a Serious Actor.
  • The Academy will come to your Malibu home and confiscate your sex teens.
  • All Serious Actors own sex teens.
  • Most of Hollywood does, as a matter of fact.
  • They’re limber.
  • Hey, speaking of sex teens: It’s Gary Glitter!
  • First, Gary Gulman.
  • Then, Gary Glitter.
  • My buddy fucks legal.
  • And my buddy fucks hard.
  • Legal and hard.
  • Like your first year of Law School.
  • Or popping a boner during a deposition.
  • I’m gonna start start saying “pop a boner” more.
  • That phrase is hilarious.
  • I think we’re getting to the end, but I cannot be sure because there is no giant blue sky-beam.
  • I know how comic book movies work: At the end, there’s a giant blue sky-beam.
  • And it’s gotta be stopped!
  • Teamwork?
  • Teamwork.
  • Teamwork will stop the giant blue sky-beam.
  • But the Joker has no team.
  • He works alone.
  • Remember how George Thorogood drank?
  • Like that.
  • But with more poisoning the reservoir.
  • Mark Maron!

  • I know that fucker, too.
  • I bet that Robert De Niro told him, “Call me Bob,” and then Mark overthought it the rest of the day.
  • Sometimes, the most intelligent people are the most predictable.
  • Anyway, this scene is stolen from Dark Knight Returns.
  • In the original, the host was a David Letterman stand-in, and Joker was drawn to look like Mick Jagger and also he was legitimately scary.
  • Look at this bullshit:

  • That gave me nightmares as a kid.
  • Who wrote this crap?
  • Oh, right: the G.G. Allin fan.
  • Enthusiasts, I love Old School as much as you do.
  • Remember when Will Ferrell went streaking?
  • Tee-hee.
  • But I don’t trust Todd Phillips, because he’s a G.G. Allin fan, and there’s no one lower.
  • That guy was talentless.
  • No one has ever received a McArthur Grant for throwing poop and shooting up in a basement, and I agree with the selecting committee’s decision on that one.
  • Joker shoots Taxi Driver.
  • In the comic, Joker fulfills his promise and murders the entire audience.
  • Pussy-ass Leaf just shoots Robert De Niro and calls it a day, like a pussy.
  • Hey, it’s this shot!

  • I know that shot.
  • It was in a better movie.
  • How is it possible that Cristian Bale’s Cookie Monster voice and Heath Ledger’s Tom Waits impersonation is LESS silly than this film?
  • Also, that Batman movie had Batman in it.
  • Which is a plus.
  • I really don’t wanna see the Joker unless, at some point, Batman is going to knuckle-fuck his skull against a lamppost.
  • Oh, fuck right off.

  • Seriously, fuck off with this.
  • Zorro.
  • We’re killing the Waynes now?
  • Everyone involved in this movie can shove their heads up their asses and fart.
  • And the pearls, too?

  • Gimme a break with those damn pearls.
  • I don’t need to hear about Uncle Ben, and I don’t need to see the pearls.
  • We’ve covered it.
  • Let’s move on.
  • He’s dancing again.
  • Sweet Christmas, he’s dancing again.
  • It’s like Black Swan, but without the lesbianism.
  • I hated everything about this experience, and fear for the future of our republic.
  • Oh, but wait: Maybe it all happened in his head!
  • Suck me sideways, Joker.
  • I’ll take Leto any day:

  • That’s some good Jokerin’.

Thoughts On The Zack Snyder DC Trilogy: Part II

  • I know it’s been a while.
  • A break was required.
  • One needs a breather in between writing about Man Of Shpilkis and the second and third films in the Syndology, Mister Man vs. The Fuck-You Guy: Let’s Touch Dicks and Justice Luge.
  • I would have much preferred to watch Justice Luge than the actual movie.
  • Two hours of an unwilling Jason Momoa hurled down a mountain on a cafeteria tray.
  • “MY MAN!”
  • And also Gal Gadot luging, and wearing the luge outfit with the helmet.
  • (Enthusiasts, you know I have never lied to you, and I maintain that streak with this revelation: major fetish. The skintight outfit that lugists and bobsledders and ski racers wear, but only with the helmet on. Tres sexy.)
  • Also, the woman’s name is pronounced Gal like in “pal” Guh-DAHT.
  • Not Gail Godot.
  • She is not French, and no one is waiting for her.
  • She is Wonder Woman, whose personality lies at the midpoint of “having a foreign accent” and “standing confidently.”
  • They gave WW some character in her solo film, but Zack Snyder thinks chicks are faggy and so all she talks about is how much she misses Steve Trevor.
  • Who died in The First World War One.
  • Which was 100 years ago.
  • Get some new dick, Diana.
  • There have been five generations of fuckable men since then.
  • Bowie.
  • You could’ve banged Bowie.
  • Or perhaps you could have explored your sexuality and rubbed muffs with another lady.
  • I am quite sure that someone on your all-lady home island of Themiscyra could have shown you the ropes of rubbing muffs.
  • But, no, you pined for Pine.
  • Like a sexless Disney princess.
  • Anyway, Wonder Woman shows up twice in BvS, once to fight and once to wear a dress
  • That is as precise as I can be.
  • It is an aggressively stupid movie in which nothing makes sense.
  • JL is similarly insipid, but the plot makes sense.
  • “CG monster desires Magical Things; heroes align to interfere with his plans.”
  • Simple.
  • Not BvS.
  • The machinations by which the script (assuming there was one) goes through to get Batfleck to fight Superduperman are uncountable; the Industrial Revolution didn’t have this many machinations.
  • Now, the excuse for having Cap and Iron Man beat each other up in Captain America: Civil War was similarly ludicrous, but at least there was some fun in that picture.
  • You had the airport fight and…okay, you had the airport fight.
  • That was a hell of an airport fight, though.
  • James Brown used to fight a lot in airports, but that wasn’t as entertaining as Spidey and Ant-Man going at it.
  • Much of the time, James would be sparring with a trash can or kicking a stranger’s children.
  • Which, again, is not entertaining.
  • At least,  it’s not entertaining in the way you want something to be.
  • The viewer spends the entirety of BvS asking two questions:
    • How does that character know that?
    • How does that character not know that?
  • Also: everyone is an idiot.
  • Batface, Superguy, Jesse Eisenberg doing his Crispin Glover imitation as Lex Luthor: thorough dunces.
  • The evil plan is kicked off when Lex frames Superman for a mass murder in Africa.
  • Warlords and all that shit.
  • The evidence?
  • All the bullet-ridden bodies.
  • You know, like Superman tends to leave around.
  • Super “Have Gun, Will Travel” Man.
  • (And don’t give me any bullshit about how the mercenaries burned the bodies in the Extended Cut. Fuck the Extended Cut. I’m not watching a longer version of this diarrhea sandwich, even if it is more coherent.)
  • And then there’s some Kryptonite, which Lex knows will kill Superman and Bruce Wayne knows that, too.
  • How?
  • Good question, dude.
  • Good question, but now you’re to report to Section 112 for reconditioning.
  • You should be more respectful of Brands and their Intellectual Properties.
  • Whatever, who cares about the plot now that the white men are punching one another.
  • This is what we came for.
  • This is why we will come.
  • Punch each other, white guys!
  • Batman is in Bat-Armor.
  • Superman is in his customary suit.
  • Sha sha, pocket Kryptonite!
  • (This allows the bout to take place at all. If Superman is not massively depowered, he turns Batman into a fine, moody mist within milliseconds. Or a charred, brooding lump. Maybe a thick, vengeful jelly. It wouldn’t qualify as a “fight,” and certainly wouldn’t do as the climax of an action picture.)
  • Jesse Eisenberg watches the brouhaha, which is taking place in Gotham, from Metropolis.
  • He can do this because–and I was just as shocked by this as you will be–the two cities are within a mile of one another.
  • And why not?
  • Z-Dog has gotten everything else wrong about the DC Universe, why not this?
  • There are also numerous–and ass-slappingly blatant–references to the area of the fight being “abandoned” or having “virtually no one there” after work.
  • This is, of course, in response to criticism received after StahlMenschen graphically depicted the deaths of thousand of Metropolitans who had the temerity to get in the way of a superhero dust-up.
  • And it’s late, late at night.
  • The DC Universe takes place at night because otherwise you can’t have Batman.
  • He’s a bat.
  • Maaaaaaaan.
  • He cannot be present at two in the afternoon.
  • It would just look weird
  • Like when you saw your grade school teacher in the supermarket.
  • A NOTE ON HENRY CAVILL: Guy got fucked.
  • He coulda been a contender.
  • I mean it: might’ve taken on Christopher Reeve for the title.
  • The look was not the problem.
  • Motherfucker looks like Superman.
  • Tina Fey doesn’t look as much like Sarah Palin as Henry Cavill looks like Superman.
  • Nor was it his chops: he can act; go watch The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
  • The role of a lifetime, and the sap gets saddled with Z-Dog as a director.
  • “Say the line mopier! MOPIER!”
  • Anyway, Batman is punching Superman, vice versa, some tossing through brick walls, etc., until now Bats had Supes on the ground, weakened by the Kryptonite, with a spear (also Kryptonite) to his throat.
  • Superman goes, “MARCIA!”
  • Batman freaks out.
  • Then Amy McAdams runs in and says,
  • “That’s his favorite Brady! Don’t hurt him, that’s his favorite Brady!”
  • Now, Enthusiasts, what was just reported is not what occurred in the movie, but can anyone argue that my version is dumber?
  • At this point, Lex Luthor gives birth to a cave troll.
  • Kinda.
  • It’s complicated.
  • And stupid.
  • Plus–and I realize I keep repeating myself here–it is uninteresting.
  • The laws of dramatis personae demand that Batman and Superman team up after their fight to take on a third, more powerful foe.
  • Doomsday first appeared back in the legendarily dopey Death of Superman run of comics; he was expressly created for the sole purpose of killing Superman.
  • It was his raison d’etre.
  • And he did.
  • Doomsday was self-actualized.
  • It was such a sad event that DC included black armbands in the mylar bags the comic came in.
  • Superman was, of course, resurrected a short time later sporting a bitchin’ mullet.
  • (A very short time: the first issue of the storyline killing him off came out in December of ’92 and the Big Blue Boy Scout was back among the living in October of ’93. That’s a cash grab. You have to give it a full year for the death to mean anything, in my opinion. Marvel let Colossus stay dead for a decade.)
  • And thus, as Doomsday exists only to murder Superman, Doomsday murders Superman.
  • I wish that he had gone on to also murder Batman and Wonder Woman, and then the rest of both Gotham and Metropolis, but that is not what happened.
  • This gives Z-Dog the chance for one of his beloved funeral scenes.
  • Shut up, Z-Dog.
  • Jesus fucking Christ, I did it again.
  • Fine, this is now a trilogy about the Snydology.
  • I’ll get to Justice League next time.

Thoughts On The Snydology, Part I

  • Sam Raimi’s three Spider-Man movies had heart.
  • Christopher Nolan’s Batman films had brains.
  • And Zack Snyder’s DC trilogy had a stinky asshole rubbing on your face.
  • Aggressively.
  • Imagine: you are on the floor, supine.
  • Zack Snyder, henceforth known as Z-Dog, is standing above you.
  • Your head is between his feet.
  • And now he squats so low, so deep and low–
  • Excuse me.
  • –and you quiver in ecstasy to receive the Salve of D’murm.
  • Dude.
  • What?
  • Stop making up occult bullshit and talk about the movies.
  • The Snydology–The One Where A Million Fucking People Die, Handsome Man Punches Armor-Face, and The One With Wonder Woman And Aquaman–is almost, but not quite, perfectly dreadful; it is also disappointing and confusing at several identifiable levels, precipitating near-constant cries of “Why is he doing that?”
  • Sometimes one asks about creative choices.
  • Sometimes one asks about character choices.
  • Never is a satisfying answer provided.
  • For example, there is the look.
  • (Film is a visual medium.)
  • In 1983, a gypsy cursed a hooker in Newark, New Jersey, but the gypsy was drunk and ended up embuing the hooker’s L’egg’s pantyhose with immortality.
  • The hooker wears those ‘hose to this day, and still hooks.
  • Those pantyhose are the colors of 2.5 films out of the Snydology (we’ll get to it): gray and brown and explosions.
  • There is a small bit of green in the first one, and the third one has a dash of red in it, but mostly it’s gray and brown then boom.
  • Blade Runner without the neon.
  • Every movie Z-Dog has ever directed looks like it takes place two years after a nuke went off.
  • Not immediately after, but shit is still fucked up.
  • Appropriate for a zombie picture, but this is the superhero game, baby; did it translate?
  • It did not!
  • Hey, I’m sorry for that question-and-answer thing back there; weird and out-of-place; I regret its inclusion.
  • Another choice the casual viewer might question is making Superman such a fucking mope.
  • More powerful than a locomotive pulling a car full of girl’s blouses and sad diary entries, ya pissy widdle fuck.
  • Z-Dog’s Superman listens to The Smiths.
  • And still, in 2019, defends Morrisey.
  • This is because–and here is the core defect of these films–Z-Dog does not understand Superman on any level including visually.
  • He shouldn’t loom.
  • That’s Batman’s thing.
  • Truth, Justice, and the American Way; golly and shucks and ma’am; posture to emulate in front of the mirror: that’s Superman, and he’s not grim and gritty.
  • Superman is not Gritty, either.
  • (18 months ago, that sentence wouldn’t have made sense to you. Welcome to the future.)
  • Z-Dog’s Superman spends a great deal of time:
    • Gnashing his teeth at people.
    • Regarding humans with contempt.
    • Threatening to melt someone’s face off with his heat vision.
    • Hanging with his two dead dads.
    • Superman usually only has one dead dad, but this is a Z-Dog production, man.
    • These dead dads go to eleven.
  • And killing randos.
  • Far before the grand and terrible ending where he snaps Zod’s throat, Superman ended the lives of oodles of bystanders in Manly Steel.
  • He kept throwing Kryptonian warriors into occupied buildings.
  • I don’t know what that’s called legally–murder or manslaughter or whatever–but it’s definitely Superman’s fault those people are dead.
  • This is before Zod levels up and goes Super-Saiyan all over Kal-El and Metropolis.
  • Before the ending fight scene between Handsome Man and Michael Shannon with George Clooney’s haircut from 1995 even ramps up, hundreds of innocents are dead or seriously injured.
  • Smallville’s infrastructure is in ruins.
  • This is a farm town, you’ll note.
  • At any moment, Superman might have dragged the fracas to one of the fields surrounding the small outpost of civilization in the vast Kansas plain.
  • Instead, he chose to scrap in the IHOP.
  • The Man of Steel does not fight in a House of Pancakes.
  • Daredevil could have a great fight scene in an IHOP, but not Superman because Superman fights are so fast and energetic that there is a radius of lethality to them.
  • Like a shuttle launch.
  • The true magnitude of Superman’s abilities and might had always been well displayed in the comics, but never on screen; the technology didn’t exist.
  • The first two Christopher Reeve films aren’t beloved for their blistering action sequences, which–in the DeLaurentis family’s defense–were the best they could do in 1979.
  • In 2013, the best they could do was photorealisitically recreate what a Kryptonian fight would look like in a major city: it is genocide.
  • Perhaps you remember the jokes, or articles declaiming the violence, or perhaps you saw the film when it came out and it has slipped from your mind, so allow me to attest: the ending of Man of Steel is fucked up and Z-Dog should go to jail for it.
  • Allow us, for not the last time, to compare the Snydology to a Marvel movie: The Avengers.
  • The climax of each story has our hero/s battling a semi-inifinitely powerful enemy in the middle of a city.
  • An honest reading of Avengers must reveal many dead New Yorkers.
  • Those giant armored sperm-dragons were knocking buildings over.
  • Monster-faces were shooting at pedestrians.
  • People fucking died.
  • Yet the film only presents “innocents” in terms of the heros; there are two shots of normal people during the entire sequence: in one, Captain America saves a group of them, and the Hulk comes to the rescue in the other.
  • Civilians are not in danger so much as moderate distress (on screen).
  • Z-Dog goes a different way.
  • Full 9/11.
  • Shots straight-up cribbed from documentaries I forced myself to stop watching several years ago.
  • Still recognize the angles, though.
  • Running along with the crowd, only to look back and see the dust cloud approaching.
  • Skyscrapers crumbling.
  • Confused survivors dusty like ghosts.
  • Trust me on this one: the man consciously aped the semiotic language of September 11th.
  • For a movie about Superduperman, who punches crime, and has a cape.
  • You should go to jail for that.
  • Honestly, what happens is beyond 9/11.
  • It’s 9/11 squared.
  • It’s 81/121.
  • Swathes of business and residential areas are razed as these two numbskulls kick each other in the super-nuts.
  • Multiple buildings of 50, 60, and 70 stories are toppled.
  • Chris Meloni is also in this movie, and that’s always welcome news.
  • He is General Military, and Toby from West Wing is Dr. Scientist.
  • Amy McAdams plays plucky reporter Girlfriend Girl.
  • In the spirit of comic book movie leading women since the inception of the genre, she requires rescuing.
  • She falls off shit a lot.
  • The leading ladies in both the Raimi and Nolan trilogies fell off of shit a lot, too.
  • More correctly, the bad guys threw them from heights.
  • (The Green Goblin chucked Kirsten Dunst off the Queensboro Bridge; the Joker dropped Maggie Gyllenhall off the balcony of Wayne Tower: it’s a recyclable trope.)
  • Amy McAdams has a face.
  • I’ll leave it at that.
  • If you asked her about it–
  • “Hey, is that your face?”
  • –I feel as though she’d answer,
  • “Yes, it is.”
  • And offer no further response, nor a countering query, just sit there quietly being Amy McAdams and having that face.
  • There’s also a My Two Dads thing going on with Waterworld and Gladiator, instead of Greg Evigan and Paul Reiser.
  • I would’ve killed for Evigan, man.
  • It’s time to bring that guy back.
  • The Eviganaissance.
  • We did not get BJ.
  • We get RC, all 900 pounds of him.
  • He’s in one of those dopey “I’m an alien” tactical suits, and there’s thousands of dollars in illegal whalebone holding Russel in there.
  • Nothing but real whalebone for the Gladiator.
  • At one point, Z-Dog forced Russel to karate with some stunt men; one can only imagine the limpid flailing that went on because the final product contains a cut every fifth-of-a-second with no regard as to your eye placement or the background light source.
  • In the cinematic language of today’s blockbusters, this means “excitement!”
  • But it is not exciting.
  • Gladiator is fat.
  • Waterworld, on the other hand, is old as shit.
  • His mother brewed the family fresh sarsaparilla, and they lived in a Hooverville.
  • And he’s like,
  • “No, Clark, no. Don’t ever use your powers. Be a giant pussy.”
  • And Gladiator’s all,
  • “Fuck that shit. Put on the cape and be awesome.”
  • Then they both die, but Gladiator dies twice because he comes back from the first death as a hologram and then Michael Shannon unplugs him.
  • Too bad, so sad, dead dad.
  • You know the ending, with the snapped neck and all the yelling and sadness: it is unearned, and was not set up in the story, and Zod’s death is necessary in the extreme.
  • What are you gonna do, throw him in the hoosegow?
  • There’s no way to toss him back into the Phantom Zone, so he’s simply gotta go.
  • Can’t have a pissed-off Kryptonian wandering around the planet.
  • Not good for business.
  • Jesus, this is 1500 words and I haven’t gotten past the first turd.
  • To be continued!

Thoughts On Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy

  • Think of how much buttfucking must have gone on in Sodom.
  • 5,000 years later, and we’re still talking about it.
  • Those people fucked butts, man.
  • I thought you were talking about the Batman movies.
  • Eventually.
  • Now, please.
  • Oh, fine.
  • The Batman movies–Batman Agonistes, The One With The Joker, and The Shitty One–directed by Christopher Nolan and his impeccable education are both much better and far worse than you remember.
  • Sweet sweaty Jesus, do these movies take themselves seriously.
  • Enthusiasts, there are Themes.
  • Big Questions are asked.
  • About chaos and fear and panic, and the immovable burden of the past, and guilt, and what a man owes to his city, and ninjas.
  • The first picture, Suddenly Batman, is simply chockablock with ninjas.
  • Far more than you recall: the first half of the movie is ninja-centered.
  • They got the swords, the pajamas, the whole bit.
  • Liam Neeson’s on top of a mountain.
  • You can’t find ninjas on Craigslist; you have to go to the top of a mountain.
  • And Liam’s like, “Hey, Bruce, you’re from Gotham, right?”
  • And Bruce is all, “Yuh-huh. Go Knights!”
  • “Oh, shit, bro. We’re totally gonna kill everybody there.”
  • “Bro! Not cool! Why?”
  • “Dude, I forgot to tell you: we’re not just ninjas, we’re also kind of the Illuminati.”
  • “Not cool!”
  • And so on.
  • That’s all three movies: the bad guys’ plans always boil down to “I wanna teach Gotham a lesson.”
  • Mwah-ha-ha.
  • Anyway, Bruce Wayne was on the mountain in the first place because his parents were shot, and he was like, “Fuck you, crime,” and he wandered around the globe learning how to punch poor people.
  • Which, let’s face it, is not the healthy way to deal.
  • Li’l Orphan Annie didn’t hit any poor people.
  • Daddy Warbucks’ financial machination probably starved a bunch, and I’m sure he called the Pinkertons out on strikers a bunch of times, but Annie didn’t turn herself into a fearsome symbol of harsh justice who was also a ninja.
  • Annie just hung out with Sandy the dog and sang songs with her fellow urchins.
  • Whereas Bruce Wayne worked through his trauma by looping cable around policemen’s ankles and chucking them off roofs.
  • But he doesn’t kill, or use guns.
  • Except when he kills (Batman kills so many people) or uses guns (the Batmobile, Batcycle, and Bathoverdrone all have literal cannons on them).
  • Batman has a code.
  • This is what makes him different than the bad guys.
  • Also: the looming.
  • Nobody looms like Batman.
  • Darth Vader is good, but not like Batman.
  • We are told that Batman has no superpowers, but this is a lie.
  • Batman possesses psionic abilities that make everyone within a hundred-foot radius forget they’re holding guns.
  • I cannot count the number of times I shouted at the screen, “JUST SHOOT HIM, DIPSHIT!”
  • So many opportunities to put a bullet in the man, and every single time: form a circle around him and wait to get awkwardly punched.
  • The punching gets better in the second and third flicks, but the first movie’s fights are just fast cutting, mostly because once again Batman couldn’t actually move.
  • This was a feature of both the Burton and Schumacher films, too: ever since Adam West took off the spandex, the Dark Knight has been armored up in latex and rubber to the point of immobility.
  • And this was 2005, mind you.
  • We had put a man on the moon.
  • Surely someone could have figured out how to engineer a ball joint into the neck of Batman’s cowl.
  • Just do a helmet on top of a turtleneck.
  • But, no, we get a Batman that staggers around like Tor Johnson in a graveyard.
  • There is also the yelling.
  • Christian Bale’s bellow in Batman Bayou is positively restrained when compared with the (computer-enhanced) silly shouting he gets up to in the second and third flicks.
  • That was an actual line in the script.
  • Batman has two superpowers: the gun thing and not needing a lozenge.
  • Try doing the voice; you’ll be hacking up blood in seconds.
  • Batman Begginstrips is a podgy movie that, like the others, makes not one lick of sense but it does introduce the best part of the Nolan trilogy.
  • The Tumbler.
  • Look at her.
  • Smell the justice coming off of her.
  • Fuck her tailpipe.
  • I think there’s five or six tailpipes.
  • Fuck all her tailpipes.
  • You’re getting weird again.
  • Shh.
  • The Tumbler (and the skittery rumble of her soundtrack) was the best part about the first Nolan film, save for Cillian Murphy’s soft, kissable lips.
  • Like a cross between an F-117 and a dune buggy designed by Frank Gehry, the Tumbler had a secret weapon, and that was that it existed and actually tore ass across Chicago.
  • There was, to be sure, some CG bullshit, but the vehicle was not created entirely of pixels inside some computer in the San Fernando Valley.
  • Like this piece of shit:
  • That’s from the Justice League movie, and the picture is of a toy because they did not build a real Batmobile this time.
  • There was a prop created:
  • But it didn’t have an engine, and so all the shots in the movie were not shots at all, but generations.
  • Which is, admittedly, 9,000,000th on the list of problems with Justice League, but it bears pointing out.
  • This new one is clearly just the Tumbler having gone through Snyderfication, a process by which all thought and color is vacuumed from an idea and regurgitated over a classic rock soundtrack.
  • Look at those back wheels.
  • Does the whole casing ride up and down with the shocks, because there’s no room for the tires to bounce.
  • Wouldn’t that design make the structure inherently weaker and more prone to attack?
  • You’re dumb and I hate you, Batmobile from Justice League.
  • Forgettable were the Schumacher versions
  • You’re trying too hard, Schumacher Batmobile.
  • Also, the placement of your front wheels only makes sense if you’re only going to drive backwards.
  • And, like Snyder’s piece of garbage, this design apes the previous (and creatively fresh) iteration, which was…
  • The Burtonmobile.
  • Or, as some refer to it, THE PHALLUS OF JUSTICE.
  • As with the Tumbler, the Phallus was driveable, but far more fragile.
  • It’s a Chevy chassis with a shit-ton of fiberglass on top, and the jet engine is not real.
  • Most engineers will advise against placing a jet directly in front of the driver.
  • The vehicle also turns about as well as a Ukrainian diner.
  • Also very tough to reverse.
  • There is literally no way to parallel park this car.
  • Lot of drawback, if we’re honest.
  • Unlike…
  • Ah, yeah.
  • The original onscreen (forgetting the serials from the 40’s) Batmobile is still a fan favorite, and why shouldn’t she be?
  • Look at her.
  • Fuck her tailpipe.
  • It’s a Lincoln.
  • A concept car from 1955 called the Futura, and that certainly would have been an apt name in 1955.
  • Dig those swoops and curve, Daddy-o.
  • The studio that designed Alfa Romeos built it and charged Lincoln $250,000 for it; they hauled it around to car shows and loaned it out to movies, and sometimes in the 60’s sold it to a guy named George Barris for a buck.
  • He made the hood a little gnarlier, and sunk a flamethrower in the trunk so that the car would shoot fire as it sped away from the camera, and painted the Batsymbol on the doors.
  • Took him a week-and-a-half.
  • Shit.
  • I was writing about the Nolan movies.
  • Why do you let me go on tangents like that?
  • All of this is your fault.
  • Anyway, there are other characters besides Batman in these movies.
  • You got Alfred, played by Michael Caine, who is on the verge of blubbering in every scene.
  • A bemused Morgan Freeman.
  • Gary Oldman’s American accent.
  • Gary Oldman’s American mustache.
  • Rutger Hauer and Eric Roberts, for some reason.
  • Nestor Carbonell’s mascara.
  • There are also bad guys with whom Batman squabbles.
  • The underwhelming Scarecrow, played by Cillian Murphy’s bottomless eyes and bedroom lips, and Liam Neeson, who is playing “Liam Neeson if he were a ninja.”
  • The iconic Joker, played by Heath Ledger when he was alive, and Two-Face, who also does stuff, I guess; his makeup looks a lot better than Tommy Lee Jones’ did, I’ll give him that.
  • And then the absurd Bane, played by Tom Hardy’s costume and neck muscles, along with Marion Cottilard, who is hot and evil, and also Cillian Murphy comes back for a cameo and remains delicious.
  • Plus Anne Hathaway as Catwoman.
  • She’s not a bad guy.
  • She’s morally ambiguous.
  • That’s what you call a bad guy who is also a hot chick.
  • There are two other women in the Nolan Batman trilogy, leaving aside Bruce’s murdered mother (who has no lines) and Jim Gordon’s wife, who spends all of her screen time standing in doorways worrying.
  • They both play the same character because, hey, a chick’s a chick.
  • Suri’s mom is in the first one.
  • Married to Tom Cruise.
  • She was in Dawson’s Creek.
  • I think maybe she was also in an Adam Sandler movie.
  • I knew it would come to me.
  • She’s an abominable actress, but her face is crooked in an appealing way and she has a hefty bosom.
  • This makes her morally ambiguous.
  • Katie is replaced in the role of Rachel Dawes, no-nonsense District Attorney, in the second film by Maggie Gyllenhall and I cannot lie to you, Enthusiasts: I do not enjoy looking at Maggie Gyllenhall.
  • She has a droopy face.
  • As if her features might slide off her skull at any moment.
  • Then, she blows up.
  • This happens because Joker has forced the Batman to make a choice harbleyarble whatever.
  • The second one is dumb, but the third is just stupid.
  • All the cops?
  • Every single cop in the city went down into the sewers at once, enabling Bane to trap them down there?
  • Stop that.
  • That is foolishness and I will roll my eyes at you, Christopher Nolan.
  • Oh, and Neil Patrick Harris or whatever that kid’s name is.
  • Joseph Gordon Levitt.
  • It’s a hard pass from me on JGL, dog.
  • You can smell the child actor all over him.
  • And there’s a nuclear bomb but Batman threw it into the bay so everything’s fine (except if the wind was blowing in that day) and everyone got to live happily ever after.
  • Except for Heath Ledger.

Muchas Garcias

Into every life, Enthusiasts, a little pain must fall.




I’m emotionally naked right now.


I was going to thank all the Enthusiasts for their various kindnesses during this, my week of tragedies happening to me through no fault of my own.

You learn nothing from your failures.

And you interrupted me. I was going to be all poetical. Some of that poignant bullshit I throw in there when fuckers aren’t looking. Then some dick jokes. Maybe a guest star or two. All my usual tricks. The Enthusiasts have been sweet and consoling, and some of them gave me stuff.

You love stuff.

All of my favorite things are stuff. And money. Some lovely humans sent money, and money is the best thing and money is the best stuff. Money is the king of both of those categories, large and all-encompassing as they are. You know what you can do with money?


Literally everything not ruled out by the underlying rules of the universe. You can build dams with it, or buy ice cream, or have people boiled. Money’s like Green Lantern’s ring: it makes wishes come true.

Same color, too.

That’s deep.

It’s not.

Fine, whatever. Can you go, please? I want to be nice to the nice people. I’m planning on treating them to something special.

This will end in tears. Oh, fuck you. DO NOT bring Sleepy fucking Batman out here.

It’s not Sleepy Batman.


It’s Sleepy Batman’s sidekick, Emotionally Scarred Robin.


This is not okay.

“We were CHILDREN, man! He kept us in a CAVE and made us FIGHT MONSTERS!”

Calm down, Emotionally Scarred Robin. Wait, we?

“He went through Robins like normal people go through lightbulbs. Like how a dozen dogs played Lassie. He was still getting my name wrong when he threw me at Killer Croc. I was 12.”

I’m sorry you went through that. Hey, at least there wasn’t any sexual abuse.


That’s no good.

I thoroughly disapprove of this new character.

No, he’s great. A child with PTSD. What could be funnier?

This was your plan to thank people for, among other things, sending you a computer?

Yes, it was.

I quit.

You can’t.

I know.

An Ending No One Including Me Saw Coming

Where were you last night?

Excuse me?

There were no posts.

So? I take time away.

You don’t. You have no life.

I do. If you have to know, I had a date.

No. You have a better chance of getting that dog-sized elephant you want than getting a date.

Nope. Date.

You are aware that I’m you, right? I’m not a separate character like Elvis or Red Metal Stool.

Or Sleepy Batman.


He’s a fan favorite.

I’m ignoring you. You didn’t have a date.


Why do you lie?

It’s fun.

Tell the nice people what you did.

Nothing. Literally nothing. I stole the Phish show, read The Sun & The Moon & The Rolling Stones by Rich Cohen, and went to bed at 11:30.

11:30 PM?


That’s, like, seven hours before your normal bedtime. How do you even do that?

Don’t worry about it. But now I’m good. Back on a normal schedule.

And by “normal schedule,” you mean “fucking around until three in the morning and then–just as you hit a good stride with the sentences and whatnot–the sun coming up and you recoiling like a dracula?”


Gotcha. So why are you procrastinating by talking to me?

I thought you were me.

We’re a biune god. Answer me, damn you.

Well, I was nervous that I couldn’t write anymore. Hadn’t done it in, like, 38 hours. Maybe I pissed or shit out my genius.

Not a thing.

It totally is. Francis Ford Coppola did it in ’81. Huge meal of rotelli and bocceballica and scaramucci–

Not actual foods.

–and the next morning: boom. Shit out every last good decision in him.

Do you have a point, or are you just wasting the nice people’s time peering around inside your own ass?

Third option! Picture of Oteil and Amir!



You think people won’t know that you’ve been staring at that picture for a week trying to figure out one of your little skitches for it and couldn’t come up with anything, so you’re just dumping it here in the middle of a bunch of time-wasting bullshit?

Why are you a fucking snitch?

You’re see-through. You’re a living wet tee-shirt, and your soul is the nipples. Everyone can tell what you are.

I’m gonna kill you and make it look like a suicide.



“Guys! HeyYAAAAAWWWNguys. Could you keep it down?

That better not be who I think it is.


Hey, Sleepy Batman.

“Sup, bro. Can you keep it to a dull roar?”

Sorry, man.

I hate everything about this.

In Which Sam Cutler Gets A Rando, And Meets A Friend

You are a sharp-dressed man, Sam Cutler.

“I cut a bella figura, I do.”

Got yourself a rando?

“‘E looks well enough. Big bloke.”

You dose him?

“I confess that I did.”

You’re going to see Phish?

“Me mates’ve been bothering me about it. Say the lads have a bit of th’ oul’ spark to ’em. Plus since ‘at movie th’ Hebrew geezer directed came out, everyone’s recognizing me.”

And you like it?

“I confess that I do.”

You deserve a little praise.

“Spot on. And some rumpy-pumpy.”

That, too. Wait. Your mates? Who are you meeting?


“Hey, Sam!”

“Oy, Sleepy Batman!”

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

“When’s the showYAAAAAWNstart? I got time for a catnap?”

“Course, mate. Go kip out in the back of me van.”

I do not approve of this, and I’m sure–


–the other guy’ll hate it.

Sleepy Batman Returns



They are eating pizza.

I’m just saying that we ordered the pie after
turned on the signal, sir.

He’ll be here. Maybe there’s traffic.

It’s three in the morning and he has a
tank, sir. And a plane. And a boat.

What’s your name, officer?

Jenkins, sir.

Shut the fuck up, Jenkins.

The BAT SIGNAL pops and fizzles ominously.

How long is this thing supposed to be on?

It’s getting really hot.


ALFRED check under tables and desks, then finds SLEEPY BATMAN curled up in the back-back of the BAT STATION WAGON.

He pounds on the window.

Are you not wearing your CPAP machine?

Dude, I just can’t wake up.

Bane just ate the mayor.

Well, then, there’s no real rush to get there,
is there? I’ll wake up early and take care of it
tomorrow morning.

Gotham needs you, sir.

I’m just bushed.

Stop this. Again. Stop this. There’s no joke here.

I’ll find one if I keep typing.

You won’t. There is no meat on this particular bone.

Let me explain this to you; I see you don’t understand the humor.

I can’t find the humor.

It’s Batman.

Got you.

And he’s sleepy.

Fuck you.

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