Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Green Room


“Oh, hey, man. How’s Precarious?”

He’s good. I need to know something here.

“You want a Garcia story?”


“I got a ton.”

Well aware.

“And I got a bunch of Mickey stories, but they’re not as fun.”

I don’t need any stories about any Grateful Deads. I wanna know about the young woman you’re on tour with, Katie Skene.

“She’s far out, man.”

Uh-huh. What precisely is her job title?

“Funny story: she’s my Parish.”

She hits people?

“If people need hitting, sure. She’s good at it, too! I think she knows that kung fu stuff. And, you know, she makes sure I show up at the right venue. Tells me if I have a booger. Your basic Parish-ing. Holds my stash.”

Your stash?

“Weed and Coumadin.”



  1. Dave Froth

    “Weed and Coumadin.”

    Sounds like my Aunt Glenda.

  2. Luther Von Baconson

    & Grey Goose

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