Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Take Me Out To The Ballpark Of The Palm Beaches

Mets vs. Nationals, baby! All hope springs infernal.


  1. Tube Row

    WAIT!!!! You’re not just the Rude Pundit of deadheads (which, I assure you, is the highest praise I’ve got), but you’re a Mets fan too?

  2. The woodcutter's son

    It was 50 years ago that I was forever ruined by the boys in orange and blue. I somehow came to believe that impossible dreams come true. Little did I know that that would be one of the last times…

  3. Luther Von Baconson

    “We’ve got a couple of kids here named Kranepool and Goossen, and they’re both 20 years old. In 10 years Kranepool has a chance to be a star. In 10 years Goossen has a chance to be 30.”

  4. Luther Von Baconson


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