Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

A Messiah You Can Handel

Tie on your capes and lace up your ice skates, kids: it’s Rick Wakeman time.


  1. Tor Haxson

    Someone go for Billy Jack,

    There is trouble in Florida..

    ToTD must be held hostage and being forced to post ridiculousness.

    I suspect JES is behind this, so send someone to Davenport, or wherever and lock that mutha down.


    • JES

      This is just my opening gambit. I’ma make him do “Thoughts on Gentle Giant” next if I don’t hear the gears spinning on the Donate Button, stat.

      • Tor Haxson

        Poor ToTD,

        His brother probably warned him that sooner or later some deranged commenter would come for him.

        Alas it has happened..

        Don’t negotiate with the Terrorists, we just have to move on I guess.

        Farewell ToTD, I guess it is Grateful Dean videos for us now.. SAD

  2. Tor Haxson

    Here is how thoughtful DeadHeads (like me) are.

    I have video of two cops, one white one black even !! Go Diversity.

    Anyhow, they are rockin out on the floor of hampton to Franklins Tower.

    They bob heads, they take cell phone photos, they check earpieces for whatever “work” they are doing.

    I was overhead and behind them, and our whole section got a kick out of it.

    I was going to share the vids, but I figure it might get those fine officers mocked or harassed or in other trouble.

    Cops rockin to the boys, made my day.

  3. Billyrae

    Two words. Jazz Odyssey….

  4. Jim Spies

    I may have a different path here than some. So my first ever reference to Rick Wakeman was as a 15 year old with my vinyl copy of Dead Kennedy’s “Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death” on my turntable. One song was their live number “Pull My Strings”. There’s a whole back story that I won’t go into, you can google it, but one of the lines was “Rick Wakeman eat your heart out”. Of course, this was pre-google, so I didn’t even really know what they were talking about until much later.

    • Jim Spies

      Well, now I relistened to it and that’s not the song. It’s one of their songs, I know that. How embarrassing. Not as embarrassing as actually Rick Wakeman, but still.

      • Jim Spies

        Ok, it was “Short Songs”, from the same album.

  5. JES

    I am withholding food this morning until TotD makes it through ALL of Side Three of “Tales of Topographic Oceans” without pulling faces or gagging.

    • Tor Haxson

      Thoughts and Prayers to ToTD..

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