Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

A Tale Of Two Lindys

This is the Lindy Hop. It was (reportedly) named after Charles Lindbergh, who flew across the Atlantic and was a shitty bigamist.

This is Lindy’s. It was on Broadway and 51st, and named (definitively) after its owner, Leo Lindemann. Arnold Rothstein used to hang out with Chico Marx at one of the booths in the back, and Damon Runyon eavesdropped.

So now you know.


  1. Jenny Boylan

    I asked her for a piece a banana
    She said, Lemme play the blues on your pianna
    And then I’ll do that Lindy Thing
    With you.

  2. Tor Haxson

    I used to do the touristy stuff when I worked in NYC,

    Like go to Carnegie Deli and get a ridiculously big sandwich, or eat at Lindy’s (or what was left of it)

    I guess they are both gone, replaced by Bubba Gump shrimp or something.

  3. Luther Von Baconson

    Had to

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